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Cross Death Match MAPA DE DUKE NUKEM 3D

Características del mapa

  • Autor: Scott Schaefer
  • Tipo de juego principal: Dukematch
  • Tipos compatibles: Single Player, Dukematch, Cooperative
  • Año: 1998
  • País: desconocido
  • Versión mínima: 1.3d
  • Nuevas texturas: No
  • Nuevos sonidos: No
  • Nueva música: No
  • Nuevos archivos .CON: No
  • Requiere Addon: No
  • Requiere EDuke32: No
  • Tamaño del archivo: 10 kb

Readme de Cross Death Match

Title                   : Cross Death Match
Filename                : crossdm.map	
Author                  : Scott Schaefer
Email Address           : scott@wcafe.com
Description             : Probably the best level I've made yet!  This level has 4 indoor rooms (not including secrets); each with a different theme; there's a strip bar, a hospital room with a big fish tank, a swimming pool room, and a green slime room.  Each of these rooms has different weapons and enemies, and they are all joined by hallways with raised areas and an elevator.  Find your way through the secrets to get outdoors!  Great level to blow an afternoon on!  (I have, and I made the damn thing!)  Best for 3-4 player death match and single player.


* Play Information *

Single Player           : Yes (it'll take you a few times to beat!)
Cooperative 2-8 Player  : Yes
Deathmatch 2-8 Player   : Yes (of course!)
Difficulty Settings     : No
New Sounds              : No
New Graphics            : No
New Music               : No
Demos Replaced          : None

* Construction *

Base                    : none; this was built from scratch!
Editor used             : Build.exe
Build Time              : 30 hours aprox.
Known Bugs              : None

*Secrets revealed!
OK, it'll take you FOREVER to find all the secrets!  
1. There's one in the white room; it's a secret elevator in one of the corners.  There's a one-way wall that looks over the middle elevator in the game.  You will have to go inside the white room and press the wall on the corner nearest the middle of the game.  There's pipe bombs inside, and it's a good way to steal the jetpack from the guy flying around!

2.  The end of the game is in the red room.  Run into the wall in the back left corner of the stage and you'll find a passageway with stairs.  Blow up the crack in the far wall and it'll reveal the end of the game!

3.  To get outside!  First, go to the end of the game in the red room.  Next, fly while facing the wall you blew up!  There will be a switch.  Next, jump into the hole in the floor of the red room.  Blow up the crack and swim into the blue room.  In the opposite corner, there's a crack in the wall.  Blow it up and swim into it!  There, you will find a jetpack.  Keep going, there's an invisible wall right around the corner...and then a LONG swim with corners, etc--you may want to grab the swimming gear from the green room first (upper corner by the view screen).  Anyway, go to the end; there will be a door that you unlocked in the red room.  Swim in and there will be a switch (whew!).  Swim back out of the pool.  Finally, go back to the red room and fly to the ceiling.  You will find a hole up there to fly into.  Get up there and press the walls; there's a hidden door that you unlocked in the pool.  In there you will find a view screen--! and a teleporter outside!  (outside is ammo, health, holoduke)

4.  In the green room, you will find a small pool in the slime right below the green and yellow banner.  In it is ammo for the freezeray gun, a small health, and an atomic health.

5.  To get from the white room to the green room, run into the corner by the sinks.  It's a teleporter to the green room's corner.

* Copyright / Permissions *

Please get my permission before publishing this on any disk, CD ROM, etc.  Go ahead and modify it all you want, but be sure to give me the credit for the original design!  This .txt file must be distributed with the .map file! Copyright 1998 Scott Schaefer.

* Where to get this MAP *

http://www.wcafe.com/schaefer (my home page).  You'll see the links!