HomeMaps › Driving home for Christmas [Rob Wijkstra (HighWire)]

Driving home for Christmas DUKE NUKEM 3D MAP

Map features

  • Author: Rob Wijkstra (HighWire)
  • Main game type: Single Player
  • Supported game types: Single Player, Dukematch, Cooperative
  • Year: 2003
  • Country/es: unknown
  • Minimum version: 1.4 (Atomic Edition)
  • New art: Yes
  • New sounds: No
  • New music: Yes
  • New .CON files: No
  • Addon required: No
  • EDuke32 required: No
  • Size of file: 496 kb

Readme of Driving home for Christmas


Title                 : Driving home for Christmas
Filename              : DHFC
Author                : Rob Wijkstra (HighWire)
E-mail                : kickassy35@hotmail.com

Description           : New Duke3d usermap with Christmas theme and new arts

Additional Credits To : Tom Veenstra, for assisting me with some arts again as 
			he did with City Terror and City Terror 2. 
			Good job for saving the level theme, good buddy!

			Merlijn van Oostrum, for inspiring me for the 'deathmatch mode' 
			in the level.

Story		      : Duke grunted. "Damn snow!" As he tried to get out of his 
			car that has been trapped into a big pile of snow.

			He tried once more and he finally got out of it. Duke 
			was on his way home but one of those rock walls collapsed 
			while Duke drove by, and lots of snow fell over the car.

			"Damn, if I don't get home for Christmas I am going to be 
			friggin' pissed!"			

Additional Map Info   :	Help duke to get home in time to party! He is not in the mood 
			to wait another year to celebrate christmas with his *cough* 
			female company!

Note from the Author  : I made this map just for fun, so don't expect a extremely detailed 
			level! Enjoy it's gameplay because that's what it has been made for 
			mostly. And I just thought it was fun to release something xmas 
			related to all the Duke fans! 

			If you decide to play a deathmatch in the level, you will notice some 
			things are different. Activating the huge button in the start 
			position will open a teleporter to the town at the end of the level.

			The battle will be fought in the town... I tried to make happen all 
			over the level but then the game would become too unbalanced. :(

			Anyways, when your buddies want to play you can do a coop match too
			(Christmas is not really about killing your buddies all the time I guess. :P	

			Have a good time this christmas and have a happy new year!

			I certainly hope I can release City Terror 2 somewhere in 2004!			


* Play Information *

Single Player          : Yes
DukeMatch 2-8 Player   : Yes, but a match with more than 4 people will become very heavy
Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes
Plutonium Pak Required : Yes, and if you don't have it, ask Santa :P
New Art                : Yes
New Music              : Yes, Driving Home For Christmas song by Chris Rea... :P
New Sound Effects      : No
New .CON Files         : No
Demos Replaced         : No


* Construction *

Base                   : New level from scratch
Level Editor(s) Used   : BUILD
Construction Time      : About a week or two
Known Bugs/Problems    : The new snow effect may slow the game down. 
			 If it does slow down, speed the game up using 
			 a lower screen resolution or live with it!

			 The sky looks a little bit weired in the town in the ending.
			 Don't know how to fix that. :S

*Important Information*

Installation           : Extract this zip in your duke folder and use setup to play DHFC.map.
			 Backup your tiles014.art and dethtol.mid files if you have them in your duke 
			 directory! Have fun!

Important Notes        : Play City Terror!



Merry Christmas to all the duke fans and all the people I somehow know :P