-------------------------------------- >> Title: Fbsp001- that's also the filename 2 make it easier 4 stupid people Author: It better be me 'cos if it ain't someone is stealing my maps and he'd be in trouble e-mail: fakirbaba@hetnet.nl or you could try fakirnogwat@hotmail.com Misc author info: i'm 15 and my life sucks so the least you could do is send me a mail wich says you like 1 of my maps or something..,maybe i'll actually be happy once in a while Other levels: who cares this is my first good map..all of my other maps sucked (except borgnukem) Description: some sort of attempt of me 2 be funny by placing stupid stuff in this snowy map. this map uses the same style i used in borgnukem's map usskloot (again a poorly attempt 2 be funny) , that means alot of blue lights and blue sectors.the walls are (unless blue) allmost allways white 2 give it a more snowy feeling. lotsa detail and a good looking outdoor room.if you like this kind of map you better download the c&c tc. oh wait that tc doesn't exist anymore. and Cody is 2 LAZY 2 MAIL ME. and 2 think i made around 7 maps for that tc (i WAS working on 1 but fuck it). ah well it's just FakirBaba so who really cares.right? ..just enjoy it before you throw 1 month of hard word in your dustbin. storyline> edf is hoping you can stop an alien invasion again.well it's not a big invasion because it's only 1 map. the alien have used an russian base as there hideout, and r preparing stuff 2 make a nuke. you'll start in the main base (trash it) and you'll have 2 find a way 2 get 2 the 2nd building (trash that one as well). that's it. i got alot of inspiration from the mpcc maps and the bobspmaps but that's no reason 2 BEHAVE LIKE FUCKING CHILDREN AND CRY ABOUT STUFF LIKE " HE STOLE MY IDEAS" , IF YOU CAN'T TAKE THE HEAT GET OUT OF THE FUCKING SUN. and stop complaining now. Addit. credits 2: well i guess kefnukem for getting me 1.5, maarten pinxten was going 2 make me some viewscreens for this map but i was dumb enough to mail to his school mail thing. that's 2 bad thanks anyway. Joyce for being a extremely cute girl. Episode and lev.: user map Type of gmplay: singleplayer, no dukematch, no difficulty settings no nothing. uh it does have a new midi from hexen 95 though. Plut.pack req.: yeah sure if you don't have it mail me and i'll zip it up for you i guess. Base: new level from scratch. Stuff used: build and alot of paper. Known bugs: probably crashes when trying to play with 1.3. that's just 2 bad i know. Installation: yeah whatever. Import.notes: have you tried doom? it's so much better than dukenukem3d. for all the people that think they are something: you're nothing. -------------------------------------- <<