HomeMaps › Hell [Ray Hart]


Map features

  • Author: Ray Hart
  • Main game type: Dukematch
  • Supported game types: Dukematch
  • Year: 1998
  • Country/es: unknown
  • Minimum version: 1.3d
  • New art: No
  • New sounds: No
  • New music: No
  • New .CON files: No
  • Addon required: No
  • EDuke32 required: No
  • Size of file: 7 kb

Readme of Hell

Title                 : HELL
Filename              : HELL.map
Author                : Ray Hart
E-mail                : rhart@seidata.com
Other Level           : 0001rat(much better)

Description           : one HELL of a place for Dukematch

* Play Information *

Episode and Level #    : none
Single Player          : No
DukeMatch 2-8 Player   : Yes
Cooperative 2-8 Player : No
Difficulty Settings    : Not implemented
Plutonium Pak Required : No
New Art                : No
New Music              : No
New Sound Effects      : No
New .CON Files         : No
Demos Replaced         : No


* Construction *

Base                   : New level from scratch
Level Editor(s) Used   : BUILD
