HomeMaps › Johans Dreamhouse [Johan Kjell Evert Henriksson (Dark Thunder)]

Johans Dreamhouse DUKE NUKEM 3D MAP

Map features

  • Author: Johan Kjell Evert Henriksson (Dark Thunder)
  • Main game type: Dukematch
  • Supported game types: Dukematch
  • Year: 1998
  • Country/es: Sweden
  • Minimum version: 1.3d
  • New art: No
  • New sounds: No
  • New music: No
  • New .CON files: No
  • Addon required: No
  • EDuke32 required: No
  • Size of file: 46 kb

Readme of Johans Dreamhouse

Duke Nukem 3D .MAP customized authoring template 
Title                   : Johans dreamhouse
Filename                : JHEHOUSE.MAP
Size                    : About 1600Kbit, 200Kb, 200000b, 0,2Mb
Revision                : 4
When maded              : 1997 -> Not yet finished
Description             : A *big* house with 3 floors, a garden and about
                          25 secrets.
                          Rooms: Fountainroom, Prison, TV-room, restaurant,
                          2 kitchen, 2 storerooms, Gamehall, 3 library, Pool,
                          Garden, My room, Bar and a lot more...

Recommendations         : Most of the weapons are secret so play in
                          singlemode first so you at least know where
                          some of them are. This level is fun but I
                          think you should be more than 2 to really
                          enjoy this level 'cause of its size, but I
                          have never played this level with more than
                          2 players so I don't know yet. If you are few
                          to play: Take advantage of the cameras so you
                          know where to go.

***************************** Play Information ******************************

Single Player           : No but there is an endbutton in my room
Co-Op player            : Not even singleplay
DukeMatch Level         : Yes
Difficulty Settings     : No; The only enemies are locked up in the prison

******************************* Construction ********************************

Base                    : Absolute original
Editor used             : Duke Nukem 3D Build (The best one)
Known Bugs              : I have debugged everyone I have seen. Mail me if you
                          find one and I mail you the new version directly
Missing stuff           : Some planned rooms

Shading effects         : Yes! On most of the places. I still work on it.
More advanced effects   : Some. I usually never use such effects since
                          its hard, boring and I don't get payed.
Cameras                 : A lot (Finding each other could be hard in other cases)
Level size              : Compact but big. Most rooms are small. The corridors
                          are pretty small for their purpose.
Weapons                 : A lot if you know where they are
Secrets                 : All secrets can be found with a good eye and a brain.
                          There are about 25 of them.

***************************** About author **********************************

Author                  : Johan Kjell Evert Henriksson
IRCname                 : Dark_Thunder
Email Address           : johan.henriksson@borlange.mail.telia.com
Homepage                : HTTP://w1.243.telia.com/~u24303976
Proffesion              : Programmer, Structurer, Student
Home                    : Sweden, Borl„nge

************************** Where to get the map *****************************

Download it from my own homepage. I place all my better levels there.