====================================================================== Title : BOBSP4: Sub Species Filename : bobsp4.map Author : Bob Averill E-mail : bob.averill@gmail.com Web Page : None Misc. Author Info : Author of the BobSP series and few others. Other Levels : BobSP1, BobSP2, BobSP3, BobSPX, BobDM1, BobDM2 Description : “How do you alien bastards like it when someone shoots up *your* ride?” Duke sneered as the mangled Reptoid mothership sank beneath the waves. One boat left at the dock, and just enough gas. “Hot damn, I’ll be home in time for Oprah.” Months later, the EDF came knocking with General Graves in tow. “Duke, did you get my email?” He raised an eyebrow. “The one about the free penis enhancement pills?” He scowled. “No Duke, you know the one I mean. Duke looked taken aback. “But you’re not a Nigerian prince.” Graves sat across from Duke while his men raided the fridge. “Do you recall the Reptoid mothership you destroyed last week?” Duke stroked his chin. “You’ll have to be more specific, that happens to me a lot.” Of course, he did remember. Partially healed radiation blisters from the stolen nuclear core he was sent to take offline still dotted his face and chest. “Well, this was the first time you left one mostly intact, so the EDF Naval division established a submarine base and Reptoid detainment center on the seafloor. To recover and contain any survivors from the wreck, and to research what’s left of their ship.” Graves handed Duke a tablet playing a slideshow of photos depicting two monolithic undersea towers, with an inset topographical map of the seafloor around them and a red outline where the mothership was in relation. “Great, sounds like you got things under control. What a general of the EDF does with alien scum in the privacy of his own underwater prison is none of my-” Graves became visibly irate. “Enough with the cute remarks Duke, you know we lost control of the situation or we wouldn’t be here. A huge module separated from the underside of the mothership as it sank, then moved under its own power to emplace on the ocean floor West of the mothership wreckage, where it transformed into a sea base of their own. By the time we had subfighters in the water, so did they, and it was a bloodbath. We gave as good as we got, but in the end they destroyed all but two of our subs, then invaded both the sub base and the prison as well as invading your own private undersea resort that we so generously built for you following your defeat of the Reptoid armada. Our best subfighter pilots are dead or missing, and the Reptoids freed as many of their own from the prison as they could. But not before we torpedoed prison pod B, flooding it and drowning about half of the Reptoids held there.” “Sounds like a hell of a fight. Sorry I missed it.” Duke sat crosslegged in boxers and a bathrobe, craning his neck to watch Oprah on the livingroom flatscreen over Graves’ shoulder. “Well, you’re in luck. You’ve been chosen to-” Duke leapt up, strode across the room, opened the door and gestured for Graves to leave. “Fuck no, I hate swimming, makes my fingers go all raisin-y.” But of course everything had been decided ahead of time, and even Duke Nukem answers to the US government. “The chopper is waiting on the roof. Pack some swim trunks. Oh, and Duke? You’ll be fighting deep this time. Your whole body will saturate with nitrogen, dissolved into your blood stream.” Duke vaguely remembered something about this from his Bill Nye DVDs but waited for Graves to elaborate. “Once you’re down there, you can’t come back to the surface for any reason or you’ll die. Not without 17 hours of decompression in a special chamber. There's one in the prison and another in the sub repair facility. Whatever happens, you’re alone down there, and coming up for air isn’t an option. But you will be dressed for success; Our lab guys came up with magnetic soles for your protective boots. Now in addition to shielding your feet from acid or magma, they’ll also adhere to some types of flat metal surfaces and let you walk normally instead of swimming, which may help if you get disoriented in the weightless underwater environment." Graves demonstrated, producing a familiar black boot from his suitcase and sticking it to Duke’s fridge. “Groovy. But it sounds like what I could really use is a submarine”. Graves sighed. “We threw every sub we had at the Reptoid base. Their subfighters were faster, more maneuverable. We destroyed or crippled them all but not before they chewed up our whole fleet. So our entire undersea fighting force, for the purposes of this mission, consists of you. To impove your odds, we've dropped some air refill stations down to the sea bed along with ammunition crates in a number of spots around the lagoon, so that you can resupply as you go. They are marked by a bright yellow light at the top, you should be able to see them from a distance.” "Nice. I'll look out for those. Hey Graves, what's long, hard and full of seamen?" "I've heard this one Duke. A submarine." "My dick" "Charming as always. Start packing, we're leaving immediately. Once you get down to the resort, look for a computer monitor. We'll instruct you from there. Good luck." Additional Credits To : The astonishingly still thriving Duke community. This map is a love letter to you maniacs. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Custom map. Single Player : Yes DukeMatch 2-8 Player : It's possible, but kind of a headache. Cooperative 2-8 Player : See above. Try it and see why. Difficulty Settings : No. New Art : No. New Music : Yes. Set music volume to 50%. It's fitting, but a little overpowering otherwise. New Sound Effects : No. ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : None. Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD. Art Editor(s) Used : None. Construction Time : Technically many years. I abandoned it for a very long time when it became apparent that building an entire convincing ocean environment was going to be a bigger job than I initially expected. That's why BobSPX is named that, instead of BobSP4 or BobSP5. I didn't know whether I'd ever finish number 4 or if I'd ever want to do more maps in the series, but I knew I wanted SPX to canonically be the final one as it's the best example of the BobSP detailed techbase style. Known Bugs/Problems : Slight visual glitching in some places and angles. Every last wall is used, so this is not a surprise. Switches can be hard to toggle, especially the spot where you place the fusion detonator. If you're having trouble with that stand a little further away and try different angles. Not sure why this happens or how to fix it. * Where to get this MAP file * File location : MSDN, Duke Repository ===================================================================== *Important Information* Installation : Stick it in the Duke folder. Important Notes : This is, more than anything else, a concept map. It's fairly boring and conventional gameplay wise, with just some keycards, pickable objects and an exploding alien base at the end. What is I think very unusual about it is the design philosophy. Some time after SP2 I began wanting to experiment with very large wide open spaces. The problem with this was that it meant I could not pack in the dense detailing that I wanted to. The result of trying to achieve the best of both worlds was BobSP3. I was not satisfied with it. Eventually I realized there had to be a good reason for the player to explore large areas or it was simply boring. And there had to be some kind of limiting mechanism to make it tense. For SP4, I set the whole map underwater. This gives a novel, interesting place to explore but which is exciting and dangerous on account of the limited air supply. Exploration is rewarded with air resupply stations and ammo crates as well as some neat/funny easter eggs in far flung corners of the map. Now, to have BobSP level detailing, I realized I could just condense it into a small number of places. In this case, the underwater bases. This made for a logical contrast; large organic outside details for the oceanic terrain, densely packed BobSP details for the interiors of the bases. And the player is compelled to spend time there by puzzles, enemies, supplies and the fact that they are the only safe havens from the hostile and difficult outside environment. I believe this formula can be reproduced to make a new generation of more engaging maps. All it requires is some compelling natural environment to explore, with serious work put into diversifying terrain so that there is something new to see wherever you go and funny/useful things to find, and crucially it must be dangerous to the player in a way that requires periodically resupplying some finite powerup. For SP4 that was the scuba gear. But I can imagine for example, maps set on the Moon, with flickering spooky abandoned Lunar outposts, highly detailed and accurate to what we might actually build someday. I would love to explore that. But now, suppose the real star of that map is the Lunar landscape! Plenty of moon maps focus entirely on the base interior, and only have rudimentary outdoor terrain just for scenery. What if there were several modestly sized outposts on a huge, sprawling, detailed realistic (i.e. white textures, NASA aesthetic like the upcoming game Routine rather than the cartoony aesthetic of the textures used for the original episode 2 Moon base levels. hard scifi space habitat architecture would look fantastic in Duke, as this engine excels at small details and working/scripted machines) There'd be realistic, hilly Lunar terrain to entice the player to explore, albeit carefully. And a little CON hacking could produce a working space suit that the player must refill with oxygen only at special filling points within the habitats. And the gravity is reduced, and there are all sorts of lunar relics like the Apollo landing sites to discover if you explore the entire map. You can see how this design philosophy lends itself very well to lots of different settings. Why not a map set in a Bioshock Infinite style sky city, where you must keep collecting new jetpacks in order to travel between different floating city platforms? A map like this could really showcase the new true room over room feature, in fact it would be necessary for such a map to exist, as the floating city platforms must have an underside to them, and float at different heights relative to one another. Or, imagine a map set in the center of the Earth, where you must dash from research station to research station through magma filled caverns, using the protective boots and regularly needing to find replacements for them. And large dark stretches of cavern require that you take care to periodically find new night vision goggles. Or what about an Antarctic map where to explore all of it without freezing to death you must search for batteries that power your suit's built in heater? And so on and so forth, the idea is the same, only the setting changes between maps. Large, beautiful and varied natural landscape which the player is enticed to explore, but which is hostile to him in a way that requires periodically replenishing some powerup. And a few modestly sized bases, where you can condense the geometric detailing in a way that provides logical contrast between the indoor portions of the map and the natural terrain outside. And you know, now that SP4 shows how to do it, I'd even love to see more undersea base maps. Perhaps in Bioshock style? Or steampunk/Victorian? Or retrofuturistic, 1970's style? It's a setting not commonly explored in Duke maps even though this engine is very good for it because of the ease of defining where water is and isn't, compared to how hard that is to do in a real 3D game. Needless to say, I don't intend to make these maps. They are an exhausting undertaking. I made BobSP4 simply to demonstrate this new gameplay concept, in the hopes that much like BobSP1 inspired very talented copycats, BobSP4 will inspire new maps built in this radically different SP4 style. Go ahead,let's see what you can do. ======================================================================