HomeMapas › Isle of Logic [Markus Bengtsson, Per-Erik Nilsson (Pelle Nilsson)]


Características del mapa

  • Autores: Markus Bengtsson, Per-Erik Nilsson (Pelle Nilsson)
  • Tipo de juego principal: Dukematch
  • Tipos compatibles: Dukematch
  • Año: 1996
  • País: Suecia
  • Versión mínima: 1.3d
  • Nuevas texturas: Si
  • Nuevos sonidos: No
  • Nueva música: No
  • Nuevos archivos .CON: No
  • Requiere Addon: No
  • Requiere EDuke32: No
  • Tamaño del archivo: 78 kb

Readme de Isle of Logic

Title                   : Isle of Logic  
Filename                : LOGIC.ZIP
			  (includes LOGIC.MAP, LOGIC.DSC and TILES014.LGC)
Author                  : Pelle Nilsson and Markus Bengtsson
Email Address           : perni@lysator.liu.se
Misc. Author Info       : Also made DISCRETE.MAP.

Description             : A huge island with a harbor, some mountains and
			  a large building (with a lot of sectors over 
			  Includes user-art. To play the level you must
			  first rename the file TILES014.LGC to TILES014.ART
			  and put it in your duke3d directory. 

Additional Credits to   : The people (unknown) who made the 
			  graphics we imported.


* Play Information *

Single Player           : No
DukeMatch Level         : Yes (4-8 players recommended)

* Construction *
Base                    : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used          : Editart, Build
Known Bugs              : No fatal ones.

		          Some of the textures we imported doesn't look too
			  good in 320x200.

			  If you shoot at the sky above the fence by the
			  harbor, the shots explode mid-air and leave marks.
			  If we remove this bug, tripbombs will explode 
			  instantly when placed on the facing mountainwall.	

			  There are a few more minor bugs, but nothing we
			  could remove without changing the level fundamentaly.

* Where to get this MAP file *
web sites: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~perni/duke